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The CerbèreIPDB analysis corresponds to the analysis done by Serenicity to evaluate the toxicity of IP addresses.
There are several types of IP addresses:
Currently considered toxic
Reported to our services but not enough information to be toxic
Present in the global whitelist
Formerly toxic
No longer considered toxic
Not considered toxic
Only toxic IP addresses will be filtered by the device (provided the device is in filtering mode)
If you think an IP address is toxic but it is not identified as such on Serenicity Control, you can report it to our teams. Simply click on "Report as toxic" and provide additional information.
If you think that an IP address is not supposed to be toxic or that Detoxio is blocking flows that you think are legitimate, you can submit a request for rechecking using the "Report as non-toxic" button.
Once your report is made, our teams will analyze the IP more closely. In the meantime, you can put the IP in the whitelist or blacklist of the device directly. Une fois votre signalement effectué, nos équipes analyserons l'IP plus présicément. En attendant, vous pouvez mettre l'IP dans la whitelist ou blacklist de l'appareil directement.
You will receive an email alert when the report is processed.
The list of reports made is available in your profile page.
An additional analysis is displayed. It comes from ipdata and AbuseIPDB.
The analysis proposed by ipdata allows to recover the location information of the IP address.
The ipdata location is used for the display in the cyber maps.
The ipdata service provides the following information:
The AbuseIPDB service is a community service dedicated to helping the fight against hackers, spammers and abusive activities on the Internet. It allows you to report an IP address associated with malicious activity, or to check if an IP address has been reported.
Additional analysis by AbuseIPDB provides information on reports made by the community.
By clicking on the AbuseIPDB logo, you can directly access the AbuseIPDB analysis page.