
See also the calculation of the cyberweather.

The device's Cyberweather is shown from the day selected in the date picker and the last 8 days.

The presence of a red OUT chip indicates the presence of outgoing toxic flows.

A click on a day opens a sliding pop-up with the details of the day.

The details of the day contain the following information:

  • The cyberweather of the day

  • The evolution of the cyber weather per hour in CyT (cyber toxicity)

  • The evolution of the volume of toxic flows per hour (incoming and outgoing)

  • The evolution of the volume of non-toxic flows per hour (incoming and outgoing)

  • The metrics of the selected day

The See this date button allows you to change the date of the dashboard selector.

There is also a visualization of the cyberweather by month by clicking on the link By month :

A click on a day also opens the details of the day.

Dernière mise à jour