

The activity metric represents the amount of toxic flow relative to non-toxic flow.

The View Flows link provides access to the table of flows for the selected day by opening a Flow tab of a device.

If the activity has toxic flows, then the flow table will be filtered on toxic flows only by default.


The detected threats are the toxic IP addresses that generated flows on the selected day.

By clicking on Threat List, each IP is shown with its threat type, along with a link to the public IP address page and a link to view the flows in question.


See also the calculation of the cybercarbon.

The Cybercarbon section represents the equivalent in CO2 emissions (CO2e) of the volume of the network flows on the selected day.

The total impact shows the total cyber carbon measured by the device since its installation, with an equivalence in kilometers driven with an average petrol car (198 gCO2e/km).

The notation gCO2e / kgCO2e means gram / kilogram CO2 equivalent.

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