
Endpoint table

The endpoint table displays a list of all endpoints that have generated at least one flow in the selected period.

Each column can be sorted in ascending / descending order by clicking on the column name.

Access to the dashboard of an endpoint is done by clicking on the local IP address.

The name displayed below in blue represents the most recent netbios name from the logs, or the custom netbios name.

The leaf represents the endpoint's responsibility for the environmental impact of cybercarbon.

An endpoint will display the following icon if it has generated:

Endpoint dashboard

The endpoint dashboard shows the dashboard of a device filtered on a local IP address.

It contains the same information and functionality as a device dashboard.

The header contains the custom netbios name, the most recent netbios name, the most recent mac address, and a link to the history of netbios names and mac addresses found from the logs.

It is possible that several endpoints (a computer and a printer for example) have obtained the same local IP address in the network.

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